Fastest Performance

DDoS Protection

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DDoS Protection for Websites

Fastest SSD based web hosting platform for your website.

  • 500 GB Disk Space
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • 200 GB Bandwidth

DDoS Protection for Networks

Fastest SSD based web hosting platform for your website.

  • 1000 GB Disk Space
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • 75 GB Bandwidth

DDoS Protection for Domain Server

Fastest SSD based web hosting platform for your website.

  • Unlimited Disk Space
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • Unmetered Bandwidth

Global DDoS Protection

When you sign up for a Hostiko affiliate account you will be provided with a unique affiliate code to add to your website or email. Every time a visitor clicks on your link and signs up for a qualified plan, you will earn $65.00. The best part? The tracking lasts for 365 days, so even if they don’t sign up right away but do come back later, you still get credit for the sale! You must read and agree to our Affiliate Terms of Service in order to join the affiliate program.

Global DDoS Protection

From professional business to enterprise, we've got you covered!

Our Datacenters

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